Natsuko Yashiro (aka Yujo Oribe) stars as Yuki, who picks up a gay hitchhiker after leaving her husband’s house following an argument. When the hitchhiker discovers his boyfriend having sex with a woman, he decides to keep traveling with Yuki. They reach a diner, which is filled with scummy Deliverance rejects who proceed to rape and torture them for most of the film.《午后姬》是优秀导演斉藤信孝亲自操刀。由深沢ゆみ,,飛鳥裕子领衔主演,经历数月耗时许久打造的电影力作。剧情简介及资源由科尔影视提供,请大家收藏本站和多多分享,一同分享美好时刻吧~